
Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream 

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream



January 15,  2015.  It's cold and damp outside but the house is warm and the flames from the gas logs give the living room an aura of coziness.

Other than my sweet old dog, I'm alone in the house, but I'm not lonely.  I'm never lonely anymore.  I'm content and have no desire to be elsewhere.  

And besides, there is no elsewhere. I have and always will look out at the world from the same center with the same eyes, heart, mind and soul that were bequeathed to me at conception.  There is no escape to elsewhere, not in this life, nor I suspect, in the next.

 Only belatedly have I realized that the years I spent longing for elsewhere, alternately running toward and away from tens of elsewheres, never amounted to anything more than running in place while asleep.  Maybe to die is to finally wake from long slumber and recognize, for the first time, one's self and place in life's long, fuzzy dream.  


I'm currently working on my next album, all new piano compositions, organizing them to send to the most talented mastering engineer I know in Nashville, the great Randall Merryman.  This little piece, Return from Elsewhere, will likely be among them.  In fact, I may even name the album as a whole "Return from Elsewhere."  So, even though it's for sale here on Bandcamp, don't buy it yet….wait until it's mastered.  Randall is a magician and makes everything I do sound so much better.  


Happy New Year.  Be Well and Good Luck to all.  

Martha Maria 

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