Why I Climb & Good Luck, Walker!

Looking back, I have a sense

That each year's like a precipice

Stair steps on a steep ascent

A bridge across a deep abyss

Sometimes I climb in dismal mist

Stumbling blind, at mortal risk

But oh, the glory, when I glimpse

The beauty of the solar disk

Majestic, radiant, golden eye

Above the clouds, a Love sublime

Everlasting Warmth and Light

Then I remember why I climb


Copyright Martha Maria, May 31, 2012


Today is a big day in our family.  My younger son, Walker, is graduating from high school.  

I was nearly 42 when I had Walker, an older mother for sure.  So, as Walker marks the end of childhood and the beginning of the seasons of his adult life, I am keenly aware of the foreshortened vista of my own.

We are all, I believe, pilgrims of sorts.  The pilgrim's journey is more arduous for some than for others.  I was blessed to have been born into a world of physical ease and comfort.  In all honesty, the steepness of my climb has been a function of my own willfullness and stupidity more than circumstances.

 I hope that Walker's learning curve will be less steep than mine, his climb easier.  But we all have to find our own way.  It's time for Mom to let go and let Walker find his.  

I suppose it is the hope of all parents that their children's path be less steep and arduous than their own.  Good Luck,  Walker....you're still my baby.



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